IRS Survey on Services to Tax Practitioners and Clients
William Stromsem, CPA, J.D., George Washington University School of Business
The IRS is conducting a random survey of tax professionals to help improve services to practitioners and taxpayers. Although we are always wary of phishing scams, this is a legitimate survey that could help you, your clients and the tax system as you respond to questions about e-filing, electronic document submission, data security, due diligence requirements and other areas of service.
You may have already received an email from the IRS encouraging you to participate if selected. Those selected will then receive follow-up mail or a phone call from ICF Inc., an independent research firm that is conducting the survey for the IRS, with more information. The survey takes only about 20 minutes, can be completed online, and results are anonymous and confidential. It will be conducted from now through Dec. 6.
The survey will not ask for personal information about tax pros or their clients. All responses are anonymous and confidential.
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